Comparing Open with Robotic Surgery
On the other hand, both procedures retrieved the same number of lymph nodes, he said.
“If compared to open surgery, the operation cost is higher, and operation time is longer, in the robotic group. However, robotic surgery could provide more benefits to both patients and surgeons in terms of cosmesis, swallowing comfort, pain sensation and surgeon’s ergonomics,” according to Chung.
The study, which is a prospective study in-progress, is destined for the Journal of Surgical Endoscopy, looks at 58 patients treated with open conventional thyroiedectomy, compared to 57 treated robotically.
Preliminary results showed that although the number of lymph nodes retrieved was the same in both groups, rates of some injuries, such as trachea injury, were higher in the robotic group than in those treated with open surgery (1.8% compared to 0%).
On the other hand, rates of some adverse events, such as hematoma, were higher in those treated with open surgery. Use of the robot was also associated with diminished hyperesthesia or paresthesia, a strange sensation of the skin in the anterior neck, according to Chung.
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