Would you complete our short survey?
As a participant in the burgeoning field of medical robotics, and a potential consumer of my magazine and other products, would you please take a moment to answer a few questions about your interest in medical robotics and how we might serve you better?
Just cut-and-paste and email to me at John_Otrompke@yahoo.com
Thank you,
John Otrompke
publisher and consultant
John Otrompke
Medical Robotics Survey
Available in print and on-line at www.medicalrobotics.blogspot.com
As a participant in the burgeoning field of medical robotics, and a potential consumer of my magazine and other products, would you please take a moment to answer a few questions about your interest in medical robotics and how we might serve you better?
What field of medical robotics are you most involved with- surgical robots, physical rehabilitation, allied health, pharmaceuticals, clinical research, genetics, or other?
1. To your knowledge, what is the best source specializing in the medical robotics field:
a. On-line?
b. In print?
2. Is the time right for a specialty magazine focusing solely on medical robotics?
3. How would such a publication fund itself, whether by subscription, advertising, venture funding, or other?
4. What would be the right subscription price for a magazine?
5. How important is independence from industry to such a magazine?
6. Would you most like to see coverage of the following sorts of topics in a magazine format?
a. More clinical news related to medical robotics
b. More conference coverage
c. More business news
d. Regulatory affairs
7. Where should the content come from, professional writers, or contributions from scientists, physicians, executives, consultants, students?
8. Would the readership include health care consumers? Would it be mostly health care consumers?
9. Is there more development in medical robotics in the United States, in Europe, Asia, or elsewhere?
10. Are there other topics in the field of medical robotics you would like to see covered?
11. Can you help us identify any other unmet needs in the field?
12. Do you have other suggestions?
Just cut-and-paste and email to me at John_Otrompke@yahoo.com